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about us


Dianne Blumer, principal of the company, is a homegrown Alaskan with 28 years of executive and legislative experience. She brings an array of professional experience with executive and legislative branches of state government. In addition to her recent experience as Chief of Staff and Senior Policy Advisor with the Alaska State Legislature, she served as the Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development managing issues including Alaska labor laws, Workers Compensation, vocational rehabilitation and workforce development.

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Commissioner of the Department of Labor



  • Appointed in 2012

  • Tenure duties:  responsible for developing grant funding and educational programs relating workforce development and the postsecondary education.

  • Successfully worked with several communities to develop apprenticeship programs for individuals who had been incarcerated.

  • The program:  positive and substantially changed the lives of otherwise misguided individuals.

  • As Commissioner, an extensive understanding of the legislative and state administrative processes is essential.

  • Lobbying the legislature and testifying on programs and the Department’s budget was obligatory on a regular basis.



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Alaska Workforce Development Board

  • Dianne worked closely with the members of local governments to ensure the program funding was distributed to best meet the workforce development needs of Alaska.

State Director of Personnel and Labor Relations


  • Appointed in 2006

  • Duties:  responsible for human resources, employee payroll and benefits, employee classification and negotiating collective bargaining agreements with all State of Alaska unions.

  • Prior to becoming the Director, Dianne had served as a Labor Relations Analyst for many years, where she was chief negotiator on state labor contracts and chief advocate in arbitrations.

  • This experience requires extensive knowledge in all aspects of the state employee relations, retirement benefits, labor laws, and negotiated agreements. 

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